When I graduated college, I was so eager to move on with the next part of my life. I was so focused on achievement and getting into what came next that I graduated a semester early, only to find myself not sure what was next. It felt like I was racing towards a red light realizing later I could have just enjoyed the journey a bit more instead of being so focused on the destination.
I even graduated with two majors, psychology and human services, thinking that two was better than one and somehow that would lead to more possibilities. However, multiple possibilities can feel overwhelming as well as feel paralyzing as to what direction to take. Because I didn’t know what I could do with the degree I rushed to get, I felt stuck. So I decided to take a year and move to Rhode Island to volunteer as a social worker.
The drawing below is one I made during summer orientation for that volunteer program. I was listening to a speaker - one I probably should’ve been paying closer attention to because ironically enough I think it was during a presentation about social services careers. It was a doodle I made without much thought or conscious awareness at the time.
After I drew it, I realized what it symbolized. It was what I had been feeling. I felt lost. I was worried I was just going in circles with no path forward. I didn’t know what path to go down next or what my future looked like. I didn’t know what career I wanted or where I wanted to settle down and live. There were so many possibilities and I was terrified some roads would lead to dead ends and failures. And because of the fear, I was trying so hard to avoid those. I longed to get to the large arrow at the bottom of the drawing - the one that I daydreamed would take me to the life I wanted but couldn’t quite picture in my mind. The one that felt certain and safe. I would later realize that path was just a fantasy and didn’t exist. No meaningful and fulfilled lives come without risk, failure, and hardships.
Looking back at this drawing 10+ years later, I see it somewhat differently. It surprisingly depicted my journey since I drew it that day. I have had dead ends and failures - many. Some roads led me to unexpected places and experiences that I could have never imagined - some of which filled me with joy and some with sorrow. Some paths were easy and some were very hard. Reflecting back, they were all worth it. In life there are no wrong paths. They all exist to teach us something and to help us grow.
And while I couldn’t see it at the time, I can see it now. Everything I experienced and went through led me to this moment in time and the path I’m on now. I’m experiencing that big arrow path right now. And I imagine another 10-15 years from now I will feel the same way.
It can feel so consuming and overwhelming when we feel lost in life, not sure what our purpose is or what next steps to take. It’s like walking the smaller arrow paths and seeing them curve in front of us having no idea where it’s leading us. In these moments it can be difficult but also important to be present with what is - to try to trust the path in front of us even if we can't see where it leads. However, don’t forget to also take a step back every now and again to see the bigger picture. By doing this we can see what greater purpose these experiences gave us in our lives.
One of the most common questions people ask in the Akashic Records is: What is my soul purpose? I think this is because we all want to feel purposeful in our life - that we are leaving behind some legacy or that what we do in this life matters in some way. I also know from personal experience that when we align our life with our soul purpose it feels different. We feel more alive, energized, and joyful. We have more motivation to do what we do day in and day out. Our gratitude grows and our love expands.
And no, I’m not necessarily talking about work or a job when I talk about purpose. Our soul purpose is so much more than that. And while it can turn into a career, it doesn’t have to. Your soul purpose could be to bring light and joy to all people you encounter, which you could do anywhere and anytime. Or it might be to teach people things, which you can do without being a teacher in a school - learning happens in so many places in many different ways.
We can all get lost at certain times in our lives, especially if we feel life has been harder and we are going through darker times filled with more challenges. Maybe in some way you’ve felt lost your whole life, searching for something meaningful. Whatever it is you may be searching for I might be able to help.
The Akashic Records are a great place to ask questions for clarity and direction, and to help you find your soul purpose. It’s also a great place to better learn how to trust your own intuition and inner voice so you can listen to yourself more as you go through life, instead of what everyone else might have to say. We have the answers within us. Sometimes we just need a little help to uncover them, and that’s what I hope to offer others with my sessions. A way to find your true self and what you want from life all while learning to trust your own voice. So if you’re ready to uncover this, reach out or book a session with me. I can’t wait to see how the Akashic Records could be of help to you!