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Writer's pictureSam Franklin

Healing Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever tried hard to get something you wanted but it feels like no matter what you do the universe is working against you? Or you’ve been working on manifesting something you want, like abundance, but abundance just doesn’t seem to be finding you? The issue could be that you are holding a limiting belief that is getting in the way and blocking you from moving forward.

What are limiting beliefs?

We all hold beliefs about ourselves, our lives, relationships, society, and many other things. These beliefs are what guides our everyday behaviors and decision making. They especially take over when we go into autopilot. The problem is when these beliefs are not aligning with what we want for ourselves and our lives. This is what we call “limiting beliefs” - beliefs that get in the way of the life we want and limit us.

You might wonder, does it really matter if I have limiting beliefs? Can’t I just work hard at getting what I want? Yes, you can work hard at getting what you want, but it’s possible you might not need to work as hard as you have been. And the reality is, at some point you may find yourself back at where you started or somewhere similar because those limiting beliefs can be sneaky. Even when we aren’t aware of them, they still impact us.

Closed door with writing on it that says, "This door blocked."

How do I know if I have limiting beliefs?

The following are signs that you may have limiting beliefs that are not serving you or are getting in the way of what you want:

  1. The same patterns continue to show up in your life even when you’ve tried changing them behaviorally or externally, and it doesn’t seem that what you’re doing to try and change these patterns is working.

  2. You’ve created a vision board, written down goals for yourself, or tried manifesting practices and nothing seems to be shifting anything. Or things shift but then they soon go back to where you were before.

  3. You feel like you’re attracting the opposite of what you’re hoping to attract, whether that’s with relationships, finances, career, health, or other areas of your life.

  4. You feel conflicted about things you want in your life - a part of you wants something but another part of you feels resistant to it in some way - like you don’t deserve it, it’s selfish for wanting that, it’s impossible to get anything like that, etc.

How can I change my limiting beliefs?

First, you need to become aware of what exactly is the limiting belief you hold. Some examples of such beliefs are:

  • I’m not good enough

  • Wealthy people are greedy and selfish; it’s selfish to ask for more

  • I am helpless

  • People only hurt other people

Second, think about how this limiting belief may be impacting you. Some examples are:

  • Ending up in relationships or in jobs where others treat you poorly

  • Continuing to find yourself in debt

  • Nothing is changing in your life

  • Avoiding close relationships; pushing people away

Third, take the limiting belief and identify what would be a more beneficial belief to replace it with. Some examples of these are:

  • I am enough as I am right now

  • I am worthy of abundance and being taken care of; I can help give more to others, the more I have myself

  • I am powerful and in charge of my own life

  • People can be kind and caring; I can protect myself from people who are harmful; people can apologize and make amends when harm is done

Lastly, take that new belief and imagine what it would feel like to believe that - emotionally and in your body. Imagine what your life would look like if you believed that. Now write these down. For a more powerful effect, review these new beliefs at least once a day and take time to imagine your life and how you’d feel if these were true now. An example might be:

  • While thinking about the beneficial belief around my worthiness of abundance, I imagine and experience in my body the feeling of freedom, expansion, lightness, and gratitude. I imagine traveling all over the world and having more time to do what I enjoy, being able to take care of and spend more time with people I love, and giving money to charities or causes that are important to me.

Want help with identifying and healing your limiting beliefs? Struggling with where to start or how to improve your belief systems? Reach out to see how I might be able to help you with this.

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